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WebMethods - Interview Questions
What is WebMethods?
The webMethods is an enterprise software company it was founded by Phillip Merrick and Caren Merrick in 1996 and has later acquired by Software AG in 2007. WebMethods is an API management and integration platform that focuses on business process integration, internal A2A (Application to Application) integration, and B2B (Business to Business) partner integration.
Now that webMethods Integration Server 10.11 is available, you can automate everything you need by using integrations, APIs, and microservices. These updates make webMethods a unified platform that addresses the needs of the modern enterprise, including both your business and your partners, as well as your customers. It provides an easy-to-use graphical tool for generating flow services that map from any data format into another and connect different applications. There are many e-standards supported by WebMethods, including XML (Extensible Markup Language), Rosetta Net, EDI (Electronic data interchange), etc.

This company provides web services to connect software applications over the internet.
First Server : webMethods B2B Integration Server 3.1 – March 2000 (estimate)