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Scala - Interview Questions
What is a Monad in Scala?
In Scala, a Monad is a design pattern and a type constructor that provides a way to sequence computations and handle effects in a functional and compositional manner. It is a higher-level abstraction that encapsulates computations with specific properties and allows for their composition.

The key characteristics of a Monad are :

1. Type constructor : A Monad is a type constructor that wraps a value or a computation and provides operations to work with that value or computation.

2. Sequencing : Monads allow you to sequence computations by chaining operations together. This sequencing is achieved through the use of special operators or functions provided by the Monad.

3. Effect handling : Monads can encapsulate side effects, such as I/O operations, state modifications, or error handling, in a controlled and composable manner.

4. Context preservation : Monads preserve a context or state while performing computations, allowing you to pass and propagate additional information along the computation chain.

The Monad design pattern provides a unified way to handle a wide range of computational scenarios, including optionality, error handling, asynchrony, and more. It promotes code reusability, composability, and separation of concerns.
In Scala, the `Option`, `Either`, and `Future` types are examples of monads commonly used in functional programming. Libraries like Cats and Scalaz provide additional monadic abstractions and utilities to work with monads in a more expressive and powerful manner.

Here's an example illustrating the use of the `Option` monad in Scala :
val maybeValue: Option[Int] = Some(42)

val result: Option[Int] = maybeValue.flatMap(value => {
  if (value > 10) Some(value * 2)
  else None

println(result)  // Output: Some(84)​

In this example, the `maybeValue` variable is an `Option[Int]` that contains the value `42`. We use the `flatMap` method, provided by the `Option` monad, to sequence a computation that doubles the value if it is greater than 10. The result is `Some(84)`.

By leveraging monads, you can write code that is more expressive, concise, and modular, while handling complex computations and effects in a structured and composable way. Monads provide a powerful tool for managing computational context and facilitating functional programming techniques in Scala.