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TinyDB - Interview Questions
What is a Query object in TinyDB?
In TinyDB, a Query object is a mechanism used to construct queries for retrieving specific documents from a table based on certain criteria. It provides a convenient way to filter documents in the database according to specified conditions.

Here's how the Query object works in TinyDB :

Constructing queries : You can create a Query object by calling the Query() function. This function returns a Query object that you can use to construct queries.

Specifying conditions : Once you have a Query object, you can use it to specify conditions that documents must meet in order to be included in the query results. Conditions are specified using Python expressions and can involve comparisons, logical operators, and other constructs.

Applying queries : You can apply the Query object to a table using the search() method. This method takes the Query object as an argument and returns all documents in the table that match the specified conditions.

Here's an example of how you can use a Query object to construct and apply a query in TinyDB:
from tinydb import TinyDB, Query

# Create a new TinyDB instance with JSON file storage
db = TinyDB('db.json')

# Get a reference to the 'users' table
users_table = db.table('users')

# Create a Query object to specify the query conditions
User = Query()

# Define a query condition (e.g., find users with age greater than 25)
query_condition = User.age > 25

# Apply the query to the 'users' table and retrieve matching documents
matching_users =

# Print the matching documents
for user in matching_users:

In this example :

* We create a Query object User using the Query() function.
* We define a query condition query_condition using the Query object, specifying that we want to find users with an age greater than 25.
* We apply the query condition to the 'users' table using the search() method, which returns all documents in the table that match the specified condition.
* Finally, we iterate over the matching documents and print them out.