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Unity - Interview Questions
What is a collider in Unity?
In Unity, a collider is a component that is used to detect collisions between game objects. A collider defines a boundary around an object that can be used to detect when other objects collide with it. When two colliders intersect, Unity's physics engine can detect the collision and apply forces and other effects to the objects involved.

Colliders come in different shapes and sizes, including box, sphere, capsule, mesh, and others. Each collider shape has different properties and is suited to different types of objects and interactions. For example, a box collider is useful for detecting collisions with walls or other rectangular objects, while a sphere collider is useful for detecting collisions with spherical objects like balls or planets.

To add a collider to a game object in Unity, you simply add the appropriate collider component to the object. You can also configure the collider's properties, such as its size, shape, and whether it is a trigger or not. A trigger collider is one that does not apply forces to other objects but instead generates a trigger event when another object intersects with it. This can be useful for detecting when a player enters a specific area or triggers a certain event in the game.