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Flutter - Interview Questions
What is a key in Flutter and why is it important?
In Flutter, a `Key` is a unique identifier assigned to a widget that helps the framework identify and track the widget's state across rebuilds. Keys are important because they enable Flutter to efficiently update the UI when widgets are added, removed, or reordered in the widget tree.

When a widget is rebuilt, Flutter compares the new widget tree with the old one to determine which widgets have changed. If a widget has a key, Flutter uses the key to match the old widget with the new one, even if the widget has moved or its position has changed in the widget tree. This ensures that Flutter can preserve the state of the widget, including any user input or animations.

Keys are particularly important when working with lists or grids of widgets, where adding, removing, or reordering items can cause significant changes to the widget tree. By assigning unique keys to each item in the list, Flutter can efficiently update only the items that have changed, without needing to rebuild the entire list.

There are several types of keys in Flutter :  `GlobalKey`, `UniqueKey`, `ObjectKey`, and `ValueKey`, each with their own use cases. Developers should choose the appropriate key type based on the needs of their app.