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Cyber Security - Interview Questions
What is a response code? List them.
HTTP response codes indicate a server’s response when a client makes a request to the server. It shows whether an HTTP request is completed or not. 
1xx : Informational : The request is received, and the process is continuing. Some example codes are:
* 100 (continue)
* 101 (switching protocol)
* 102 (processing)
* 103 (early hints)

2xx: Success  : The action is received, understood, and accepted successfully. A few example codes for this are:
* 200 (OK)
* 202 (accepted)
* 205 (reset content)
* 208 (already reported)

3xx: Redirection : To complete the request, further action is required to take place. Example codes:
* 300 (multiple choice)
* 302 (found)
* 308 (permanent redirect)

4xx: Client Error  : The request has incorrect syntax, or it is not fulfilled. Here are the example codes for this:
* 400 (bad request)
* 403 (forbidden)
404 (not found)

5xx: Server Error  : The server fails to complete a valid request. Example codes for this are:
* 500 (internal server error)
* 502 (bad gateway)
* 511 (network authentication required)