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IMS DB - Interview Questions
What is a root segment in IMS DB?
In IMS DB (Information Management System Database), a root segment is the top-level segment in a hierarchical database structure. It serves as the starting point or root of the hierarchy from which other segments branch out. The root segment typically represents the highest level of abstraction in the database and often encapsulates the main entity or concept being modeled.

In a hierarchical database, data is organized in a tree-like structure, with parent-child relationships between segments. The root segment is the only segment in the hierarchy that does not have a parent segment; it exists at the highest level and forms the foundation of the database structure.

For example, consider a hierarchical database representing employee information. The root segment might be named "EMPLOYEE," and it could contain child segments representing various aspects of employee data such as "PERSONAL_DETAILS," "SALARY_INFO," and "DEPARTMENT_INFO." In this scenario, the "EMPLOYEE" segment serves as the root segment, providing access to all other segments within the database.