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Java Springs - Interview Questions
What is autowiring and name the different modes of it?
The IoC container autowires relationships between the application beans. Spring lets collaborators resolve which bean has to be wired automatically by inspecting the contents of the BeanFactory.

Different modes of this process are :
* no : This means no autowiring and is the default setting. An explicit bean reference should be used for wiring.
* byName : The bean dependency is injected according to the name of the bean. This matches and wires its properties with the beans defined by the same names as per the configuration.
* byType : This injects the bean dependency based on type.
* constructor : Here, it injects the bean dependency by calling the constructor of the class. It has a large number of parameters.
* autodetect : First the container tries to wire using autowire by the constructor, if it isn't possible then it tries to autowire by byType.