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What is borrowing in Rust?
Borrowing is a fundamental concept in Rust's ownership system that allows you to temporarily loan or borrow references to a resource without taking ownership of it. It provides a safe and controlled way to access and manipulate data without copying it or transferring ownership.

When you borrow a reference in Rust, you are essentially creating a new reference that points to an existing resource. The borrowed reference has a limited lifetime, determined by the borrowing rules and the scope in which it is borrowed.

Borrowing in Rust follows three key rules :

1. Unique Borrowing : Only one mutable reference (`&mut T`) or multiple immutable references (`&T`) can exist to a resource in a given scope. This rule ensures that there are no data races or concurrent modifications to the resource.

2. No Borrowing While Mutable : You cannot borrow a resource as mutable (`&mut T`) while it is already borrowed as immutable (`&T`). This rule prevents the possibility of modifying data while other references exist, ensuring safety.

3. Borrowing Ends with the Borrower : When the borrower goes out of scope, the borrowed reference is no longer valid. This rule ensures that references do not outlive the resource they refer to, preventing the use of dangling references.
Borrowing allows you to perform operations on borrowed data without taking ownership. For example, you can pass borrowed references to functions, use them in method calls, or perform operations on data within a specific scope. This allows for efficient and controlled manipulation of resources without unnecessary copying or transferring of ownership.

The borrowing mechanism in Rust helps prevent common programming errors such as use-after-free, dangling references, and data races. It enforces strict rules at compile time, allowing the compiler to analyze and ensure the safety and correctness of the code.

By leveraging borrowing, Rust provides a balance between memory safety and performance, enabling developers to write efficient and reliable code while avoiding many common pitfalls associated with memory management.