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What is difference between normalization and denormalization?
Normalization Denormalization
Normalization involves removing redundant data (multiple copies of data) from a database and storing consistent, non-redundant data. It involves combining data from multiple tables into a single so that it can be queried quickly.
It primarily focuses on clearing out unused data and reducing duplicate data and inconsistencies from a database. On the other hand, denormalization aims to achieve faster query execution by adding data redundancy.
During normalization, tables are reduced in number due to the reduction of data in the database. Denormalization, on the other hand, involves integrating data into the same database and therefore the number of tables to store the data increases.
Data integrity is maintained by normalization. A change to the data in the table will not impact its relationship with the other table. Data integrity is not maintained by denormalization.
It optimizes the use of disk space. It does not optimize disk space.