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OrientDB - Interview Questions
What is inheritance in OrientDB?
Inheritance in OrientDB refers to the capability of defining hierarchical relationships between classes in the database schema, where child classes inherit properties and behaviors from parent classes. This concept is analogous to inheritance in object-oriented programming languages like Java or Python.

Here's how inheritance works in OrientDB :

* Class Hierarchy : In OrientDB, classes form a hierarchical structure where each class can have one or more parent classes. This creates a tree-like hierarchy where classes at higher levels (parents) can define common properties and behaviors that are inherited by classes at lower levels (children).

* Inherited Properties : Child classes inherit properties (fields) defined in their parent classes. This means that instances of child classes automatically have all the properties defined in their parent classes, in addition to any properties they define themselves. Inherited properties allow for code reuse and promote a more modular and maintainable database schema.

* Inherited Methods : In addition to properties, child classes can also inherit methods (functions or procedures) defined in their parent classes. This allows child classes to reuse and extend the behavior of their parent classes without having to redefine common functionality. Inherited methods promote code organization and encapsulation, making it easier to manage and maintain complex database schemas.

* Override and Extension : Child classes have the option to override or extend inherited properties and methods. This means that child classes can redefine the behavior of inherited properties or methods to suit their specific requirements. Overrides allow child classes to customize or specialize the behavior inherited from their parent classes, while extensions allow child classes to add new properties or methods on top of the inherited ones.

* Polymorphism : Inheritance enables polymorphic behavior in OrientDB, where instances of child classes can be treated as instances of their parent classes. This allows for more flexible and generic programming, as methods and operations defined for parent classes can be applied to instances of child classes without modification.