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FuelPHP - Interview Questions
What is profiling in FuelPHP?
The profiler provides profiling and debugging related information without having to add a lot of programmatic overhead to the code. You only need to toggle one config setting to true and you have access to an automated tool to help create a faster and more consistent review experience. Since anyone can use it, the profiler also gives you an idea of where the code stands before the review.
The profiler provides you with a tabbed interface, in which you can find the following information : 
* Console. This is the default tab, and gives you information about errors, log entries, memory usage or execution timings.

Load time. This is the request load time. It will display execution details in the body of the tab.

Database. The number of queries executed, the execution time, and if supported, a query analysis.

Memory. Total peak memory used by the request.

Files. The fully qualified name of all PHP files included, and their size.

Config. The contents of the configuration store at the end of the request.

Session. The contents of the session store at the end of the request.

GET. The contents of the $_GET array.

POST. The contents of the $_POST array.