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What is property delegation in Kotlin?
In Kotlin, property delegation is a powerful feature that allows you to delegate the implementation of property accessors (getters and setters) to another object, known as the delegate. It enables you to offload the responsibility of handling property access to a separate class or instance, reducing boilerplate code and providing additional flexibility. Here's an explanation of property delegation and its usage:

1. Delegate Pattern :
   * Property delegation follows the delegate pattern, where the responsibility of property access is delegated to another object.
   * The delegate object typically implements the `ReadOnlyProperty` or `ReadWriteProperty` interface, depending on whether the property is read-only or read-write.
   * The delegate handles the actual implementation of property accessors.

2. Delegated Properties :
   * Delegated properties are created using the `by` keyword followed by the delegate instance.
   * The delegate must have compatible property accessor signatures (e.g., `getValue` and `setValue`) matching the delegated property.

3. Standard Delegates :
   * Kotlin provides several standard delegates in the standard library, including `lazy`, `observable`, `vetoable`, and more.
   * These standard delegates offer common functionalities such as lazy initialization, property change observation, vetoing property changes, etc.

4. Custom Delegates :
   * You can create custom delegate classes by implementing the `ReadOnlyProperty` or `ReadWriteProperty` interfaces.
   * Custom delegates allow you to define custom behavior for property access, validation, caching, or any other logic as needed.
5. Example :
   class Example {
       var value: String by Delegate()

   class Delegate {
       private var backingField: String = "Default"

       operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): String {
           return backingField

       operator fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: String) {
           backingField = value

   fun main() {
       val example = Example()
       println(example.value) // Prints "Default"
       example.value = "New Value"
       println(example.value) // Prints "New Value"

In this example, the `Example` class has a `value` property that is delegated to the `Delegate` class. The `Delegate` class handles the actual storage and retrieval of the property value. When accessing or modifying the `value` property, the corresponding methods in the `Delegate` class (`getValue` and `setValue`) are invoked.

Property delegation in Kotlin provides a clean and modular way to handle property access and behavior. It reduces boilerplate code and allows you to encapsulate complex logic within separate delegate classes. It is particularly useful when you need to add additional functionality to properties or reuse common property access patterns across multiple classes.