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Database Testing - Interview Questions
What is structural database testing?
This testing involves testing database structures that depend on schema, tables, triggers, functions, procedures and also the servers used for databases.

There are the some types of structural testing :
Schema Testing : Here, the exact schema name should map between both front-end and backend. The schema validation is very important because in some cases, the schema of the tables would be different from the actual business requirement and the front-end applications. This also involves verifying unmapped tables or views or columns.

Tables Testing : This testing involves testing table names and testing columns. The names mapped to frontend and backend should be the same and the datatype and sizes of the columns should be as per the requirements specified by the business. It also involves testing constraints applied to the tables and columns. Furthermore, testing of indexes based on the property of clustered or non-clustered and their functionality should also be tested accordingly.

Procedure and Function Testing : Here, the testers have to test the procedures and functions available in the database and validate for the list of points below:

* Did the team follow the business requirements correctly?
* Is the code following good practices and proper naming conventions?
* Are the parameters for input and output of these as per the expected requirements?
* Are the exceptions handled?
* Are the procedures and functions inserting data to required tables properly?
* Are the procedures and functions updating/modifying data in the required tables properly?

Trigger testing : The testing rules are similar to the procedure or functional testing. In addition to those rules, we have to check if the triggers are getting triggered/executed at required instants.

Database Server Testing : Test whether the database configurations, RAM, capacity of processors, storage capacity etc based on the business requirements.