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Angular - Interview Questions
What is the Comparison between Ahead of Time (AOT) and Just in Time (JIT) in Angular.
JIT downloads the compiler and compiles code exactly before Displaying in the browser. AOT has already complied with the code while building your application, so it doesn’t have to compile at runtime.
Loading in JIT is slower than the AOT because it needs to compile your application at runtime. Loading in AOT is much quicker than the JIT because it already has compiled your code at build time.
JIT is more suitable for development mode. AOT is much suitable in the case of Production mode.
Bundle size is higher compare to AOT. Bundle size optimized in AOT, in results AOT bundle size is half the size of JIT bundles.

You can run your app in JIT with this command:

ng build OR ng serve

To run your app in AOT you have to provide –aot at the end like:

ng build --aot OR ng serve --aot  
You can catch template binding error at display time. You can catch the template error at building your application.