Anime.js - Interview Questions and Answers
What is the FINISHED PROMISE in Anime.js?
Every animation instances return a finished promise when the animation finised.
animation.finished.then(function() {
  // Do things...
Note : Promises are not suported in IE < 11.

Example : 
var progressLogEl = document.querySelector('.promise-demo .progress-log');
var promiseEl = document.querySelector('.promise-demo .el');
var finishedLogEl = document.querySelector('.promise-demo .finished-log');
var demoPromiseResetTimeout;

function logFinished() {
  anime.set(finishedLogEl, {value: 'Promise resolved'});
  anime.set(promiseEl, {backgroundColor: '#18FF92'});

var animation = anime.timeline({
  targets: promiseEl,
  delay: 400,
  duration: 500,
  endDelay: 400,
  easing: 'easeInOutSine',
  update: function(anim) {
    progressLogEl.value = 'progress : '+Math.round(anim.progress)+'%';
  translateX: 250
  scale: 2
  translateX: 0
