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Flutter - Interview Questions
What is the Flutter architecture?
Flutter has a three-layered architecture :

Upper Layer : The upper layer consists of the Dart programming language along with the widgets, animations, illustrations, customizations, etc.

The middle layer or the Flutter Engine : This layer deals with text display, formatting, layout, etc.

Bottom Layer or the built-in service : This layer is for managing plugins or packages.

Flutter's architecture is designed to be fast, flexible, and easy to use. The reactive and component-based approach allows developers to build complex UIs using a combination of pre-built widgets and custom widgets.

Additionally, Flutter's architecture is highly customizable, allowing developers to create their own custom widgets and customize the behavior of existing widgets to suit their specific needs.

This architecture is one of the reasons why Flutter has become a popular choice for mobile app development, as it allows developers to build beautiful and responsive apps quickly and efficiently.