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Popper.js - Interview Questions
What is the Lifecycle in Popper.js?
Popper relies on a set of steps, executed in a precise order, in order to provide the functionalities you expect from it.
Everything starts with the popper initialization, executed by calling createPopper.
As first thing, all the modifier's effects are ran. After that, it's the turn of the modifier's main logic.
At this point, your popper has been properly positioned, and its position is ready to be updated in different ways.

Manual update : You can ask Popper to recompute your tooltip's position by running instance.update().
This method will return a promise, that will be resolved with the updated State, from where you will optionally be able to read the updated positions.
const state = await popperInstance.update();
Set new options : You can also trigger an update by setting new options to your Popper instance. This, internally, will call the update() method.
const state = await popperInstance.setOptions({ placement: 'bottom' });
Event Listeners : You can also have Popper automatically update the position when certain events are fired, to learn more visit the Event Listeners Modifier page.
Hook into the lifecycle : There are situations where you may need to hook into the Popper's lifecycle to perform some additional logic.
If all you need is a callback ran after Popper positioned the element the first time, you can define the onFirstUpdate property in the Popper options:
createPopper(referenceElement, popperElement, {
  onFirstUpdate: state => console.log('Popper positioned on', state.placement),
If, instead, you want to run some logic on each update cycle, the best way to do that is to define your own custom modifier.
If you want to make sure to run your logic after all the other modifiers have ran, we suggest to set afterWrite as your custom modifier's phase.