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Symfony - Interview Questions
What is the Symfony Request? and Explain the
Request : The most common way to create a request is to base it on the current PHP global variables with createFromGlobals():
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
Which is almost equivalent to the more verbose, but also more flexible, __construct() call :
$request = new Request(
Accessing Request Data : A Request object holds information about the client request. This information can be accessed via several public properties :
request : equivalent of $_POST;
query : equivalent of $_GET ($request->query->get('name'));
cookies : equivalent of $_COOKIE;
attributes : no equivalent - used by your app to store other data (see below);
files : equivalent of $_FILES;
server : equivalent of $_SERVER;
headers : mostly equivalent to a subset of $_SERVER ($request->headers->get('User-Agent')).

Identifying a Request : In your application, you need a way to identify a request; most of the time, this is done via the "path info" of the request, which can be accessed via the getPathInfo() method :
// for a request to
// the path info is "/post/hello-world"
Simulating a Request : Instead of creating a request based on the PHP globals, you can also simulate a request :
$request = Request::create(
    ['name' => 'Fabien']