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Functional Testing - Interview Questions
What is the difference between Alpha and Beta testing?
Alpha Testing Beta Testing
Testers within the organization are responsible for performing Alpha Testing.  Beta testing is carried out by a few individuals/clients/users outside the organization.
During Alpha Testing, reliability and security are not thoroughly tested. While Beta Testing, the product's availability, security, and robustness are examined. 
Blackbox and Whitebox testing are both included in Alpha Testing.  Blackbox testing is mostly involved in Beta testing.
Issues and bugs encountered in Alpha Testing are immediately addressed and fixed. The majority of the issues and feedback from the beta testing will be implemented in the next software product version. 
During Alpha testing, quality is ensured before moving on to Beta testing.  During beta testing, the focus is not only on the quality of the product but also on gathering users' feedback and assessing whether it is ready for real-world usage.
Before launching the product into the market, it undergoes alpha testing. During the marketing of a software product, beta testing is conducted.