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Rust - Interview Questions
What is the difference between 'Box' and 'Rc' in Rust?
In Rust, both `Box` and `Rc` are smart pointer types that allow you to manage and control the ownership and lifetime of data. However, they have different characteristics and use cases. Here's a comparison between `Box` and `Rc`:

* Ownership: `Box<T>` provides unique ownership of the heap-allocated data it points to. It allows you to allocate memory on the heap and have exclusive control over it.
* Single Ownership: `Box` enforces a single owner at a time, preventing multiple references to the same data. This makes it suitable for situations where you need exclusive ownership or transfer ownership between scopes.
* Efficient: `Box` has a small size (one word) and provides efficient access to the data it contains.
* No Runtime Overhead: `Box` has no runtime overhead compared to raw pointers.
* Suitable for Single-Threaded Environments: `Box` is designed for single-threaded environments and does not provide thread-safe shared ownership.

* Shared Ownership: `Rc<T>` provides shared ownership of the data it points to. It allows multiple references (`Rc` instances) to the same data, and the data will be dropped when the last `Rc` referencing it is dropped.
* Reference Counting: `Rc` uses reference counting to keep track of the number of references to the data. When the reference count reaches zero, the data is deallocated.
* Immutable Only: `Rc` enforces immutability, meaning you cannot mutate the data through an `Rc` reference. If you need mutable access, you would typically use interior mutability patterns like `Cell` or `RefCell`.
* Runtime Overhead: `Rc` incurs some runtime overhead due to the reference counting operations.
* Suitable for Multithreaded Environments: `Rc` allows you to share data across multiple threads by wrapping it in an `Arc` (atomic reference counting) type, which provides thread-safe shared ownership.