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Snowflake - Interview Questions
What is the difference between Snowflake and Redshift?
Snowflake Redshift
Despite similar on-demand pricing, Snowflake and Redshift package their features differently. In Snowflake's pricing structure, compute usage is separate from storage usage In Redshift, both computer usage and storage usage are combined.
Snowflake is more robust than Redshift when it comes to JSON storage. In essence, Snowflake makes it possible to store and query JSON with built-in, native functions. On the other hand, when JSON is loaded into Redshift, it is split into strings, making it more difficult to query and work with.  
Snowflake offers security and compliance features specifically tailored to its editions so that your data is protected to the maximum level as per your data strategy. The Redshift platform offers a wide range of encryption solutions
Data vacuuming and compression can be automated on Snowflake. It offers the best advantage as it automates much of the process, saving time and effort.  Data vacuuming and compression cannot be automated on Redshift, so the system requires more hands-on maintenance.