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Unity - Interview Questions
What is the difference between Update() and FixedUpdate() in Unity?
In Unity, `Update()` and `FixedUpdate()` are two different methods used for updating game objects in the scene.

`Update()` is called once per frame and is used for most game logic and user input processing. This method is not synchronized with the physics engine and can be called at different rates on different machines. Therefore, it's recommended to use `Time.deltaTime` to make the movement of objects independent of the frame rate.

`FixedUpdate()` is called at a fixed time interval and is used for physics-related calculations. This method is synchronized with the physics engine and is called a fixed number of times per second (default is 50 times per second). It's recommended to use `FixedDeltaTime` to calculate physics calculations to keep the simulation accurate and smooth.

So, the key difference between `Update()` and `FixedUpdate()` is that `Update()` is used for most game logic and user input processing while `FixedUpdate()` is used for physics calculations. It's important to use them appropriately to ensure that the game runs smoothly and accurately.