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Haskell - Interview Questions
What is the difference between a function and a data constructor in Haskell?
In Haskell, functions and data constructors are both important concepts, but they serve different purposes and have distinct roles. Here are the key differences between functions and data constructors :

Function :
* A function is a named entity that takes one or more arguments and returns a value. It represents a computation or a transformation from input values to output values.
* Functions in Haskell are defined using patterns and equations. Each equation specifies the behavior of the function for a specific set of input patterns.
* Functions can have types, which describe the input and output values they expect and produce. The type signature of a function declares the types of its arguments and return value.
* Functions are used to encapsulate behavior, perform calculations, define algorithms, and enable code reuse.
* Functions are invoked by applying them to arguments, triggering the execution of the computation and producing a result.
Data Constructor :
* A data constructor is used to create and pattern match against values of algebraic data types in Haskell. It is responsible for constructing values of a specific data type.
* Data constructors define the structure and content of values. They specify the arguments required to create an instance of a data type and determine the possible variations or cases of the data type.
* Data constructors are used to create instances of algebraic data types. They are typically employed in pattern matching, where different patterns are used to match and destructure values of a data type.
* Data constructors can be used with sum types (where a value can be one of multiple options) and product types (where a value combines multiple values together).
* Data constructors can be used in type signatures to declare the types of arguments and return values. Each data constructor has a specific type associated with it.