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ASP.NET - Interview Questions
What is the difference between custom controls and user controls in ASP.NET?
User Control Custom Control
User controls are created just like a web form. They make use of the existing controls to define their own logic. A custom control is one that is made or created by the programmer to serve the business needs, by extending the functionality of existing controls.
We can User control easily. The creation of custom control is not easy as compare to user control
These control do not run on their own dll. While these control can run on their own dl.
We can not add to the toolbox. While we can add to the toolbox.we
This control is not flexible. This control is more flexible.
Once we created a single copy of this control, we can use this copy to different projects as well. We can not call or use a single copy of this control in different applications. For this, we need to create a control for each and every application.