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C# - Interview Questions
What is the difference between late binding and early binding in C#?
When an object is assigned to an object variable of the specific type, then the C# compiler performs the binding with the help of .NET Framework. C# performs two different types of bindings which are :
* Early Binding
* Late Binding or Dynamic Binding

It recognizes and checks the methods, or properties during compile time. In this binding, the compiler already knows about what kind of object it is and what are the methods or properties it holds, here the objects are static objects. The performance of early binding is fast and it is easy to code. It decreases the number of run-time errors.
In late binding, the compiler does not know about what kind of object it is and what are the methods or properties it holds, here the objects are dynamic objects. The type of the object is decided on the basis of the data it holds on the right-hand side during run-time. Basically, late binding is achieved by using virtual methods. The performance of late binding is slower than early binding because it requires lookups at run-time.