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Computer Graphics - Interview Questions
What is the importance of level of detail (LOD) in optimizing 3D graphics performance? Describe different LOD techniques and the trade-offs involved.
Level of detail (LOD) is crucial for optimizing 3D graphics performance, as it reduces rendering complexity and computational load. By adjusting the model’s resolution based on its distance from the camera, LOD ensures efficient resource allocation while maintaining visual quality.

Various LOD techniques include :

1. Discrete LOD : Predefined models with different resolutions are swapped based on distance thresholds. Simple to implement but can cause noticeable “popping” during transitions.

2. Continuous LOD : Real-time mesh simplification adjusts vertex count dynamically. Provides smoother transitions but requires more processing power.

3. Hierarchical LOD : Groups objects into clusters and replaces them with simplified representations when far away. Reduces draw calls but may introduce artifacts in complex scenes.

4. Image-based LOD : Uses pre-rendered images or impostors for distant objects. Lowers geometric complexity but may suffer from limited viewing angles and lighting inconsistencies.

Trade-offs involve balancing visual fidelity, memory usage, and computational resources. Higher LODs maintain quality at the expense of increased complexity, while lower LODs reduce overhead but may compromise realism.