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Anime.js - Interview Questions
What is the parameters instance timeline in Anime.js?
Some parameters set in the parent timeline instance can be inherited by all the children.

* targets
* easing
* duration
* delay
* endDelay
* round
var tl = anime.timeline({
  targets: '.params-inheritance-demo .el',
  delay: function(el, i) { return i * 200 },
  duration: 500, // Can be inherited
  easing: 'easeOutExpo', // Can be inherited
  direction: 'alternate', // Is not inherited
  loop: true // Is not inherited

  translateX: 250,
  // override the easing parameter
  easing: 'spring',
  opacity: .5,
  scale: 2
  // override the targets parameter
  targets: '.params-inheritance-demo .el.triangle',
  rotate: 180
  translateX: 0,
  scale: 1