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Power BI - Interview Questions
What is the process of creating and using custom KPIs in Power BI data models?
Creating and using custom KPIs in Power BI data models is a straightforward process that involves defining a calculation for the KPI and then using the KPI in visualizations and reports.

Here is an example of how to create a custom KPI in Power BI :

* Start by creating a data model in Power BI Desktop.
* In the "Fields" pane, right-click anywhere and select "New Measure."
* Define the calculation for the KPI. For example, you might create a KPI that calculates the average sales per customer:

Average Sales per Customer = SUM(Orders[Sales]) / COUNT(Orders[CustomerID])​
* Save the KPI.
* Use the KPI in a visualization by adding it to the "Values" field.

In this example, the KPI is a simple average calculation, but you can define more complex KPIs using DAX expressions. The resulting KPI can then be used in various visualizations, such as a card, a gauge, or a table, to provide a quick and easy way to track performance against defined targets and measure progress over time.