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Koa.js - Interview Questions
What is the purpose of Koa.js' 'app.keys' property?
The app.keys property in Koa.js is used for setting a set of secret keys that are used to sign cookies and other data that require cryptographic integrity. These keys are used as a secret to generate cryptographic signatures for the data, ensuring that the data has not been tampered with during transmission.

Here's how the app.keys property is typically used :

1. Setting app.keys : Set the app.keys property to an array of secret keys. These keys should be kept secret and should not be shared. It's common to use a set of randomly generated strings or other secure methods to create these keys.
const Koa = require('koa');
const app = new Koa();

// Set the app.keys property with an array of secret keys
app.keys = ['key1', 'key2', 'key3'];

// Your Koa application setup?

2. Signing Cookies : When you set cookies in your Koa application, the app.keys are used to sign the cookies. This signature is then included with the cookie data. When the client sends the cookie back to the server, the server can verify the integrity of the cookie by checking its signature against the app.keys.
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
  // Set a signed cookie
  ctx.cookies.set('user', 'john_doe', { signed: true });

  await next();

In this example, the signed: true option indicates that the cookie should be signed using the app.keys.
3. Accessing Signed Cookies : When accessing cookies in subsequent requests, Koa.js automatically verifies the signature using the app.keys. This ensures that the cookie data has not been tampered with since it was set.
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
  // Access the signed cookie
  const user = ctx.cookies.get('user', { signed: true });

  // Use the user data
  console.log('User:', user);

  await next();

When retrieving the cookie using ctx.cookies.get('user', { signed: true }), Koa.js will automatically verify the signature using the app.keys before providing access to the cookie data.