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Elixir - Interview Questions
What is the purpose of the Agent module in Elixir?
The Agent module in Elixir provides a simple abstraction around state. It allows developers to create a process that holds onto a single value and provides functions to update that value. This process is known as an Agent.

Agents are useful for managing state in a concurrent environment. They provide a safe way to update and access state without having to worry about race conditions or other concurrency issues. Agents also provide a way to easily share state between processes.

Agents are also useful for managing state that needs to be persisted across restarts. By using the Agent.start_link/2 function, the state of the Agent can be persisted across restarts. This makes it easy to maintain state between restarts.

Overall, the Agent module provides a simple and safe way to manage state in a concurrent environment. It allows developers to easily share state between processes and persist state across restarts.