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What is the purpose of the ArangoDB Foxx CLI?
The ArangoDB Foxx CLI (Command Line Interface) is a tool used for developing, managing, and deploying Foxx microservices in ArangoDB. Foxx is a JavaScript framework that allows developers to build RESTful microservices directly within ArangoDB, leveraging the power of the database to host and execute server-side code.

Here's an overview of the purpose and functionalities of the ArangoDB Foxx CLI :

Development Environment :
* The Foxx CLI provides a command-line interface for setting up a local development environment for Foxx microservices.
* Developers can initialize new Foxx projects, scaffold project directories, and create template files for defining endpoints, routes, middleware, and data models.

Code Generation :
* Foxx CLI simplifies the process of generating boilerplate code for Foxx microservices by providing built-in code generation commands.
* Developers can generate template files for controllers, routers, service modules, configuration files, and other components of a Foxx application using the CLI.

Local Testing :
* Developers can use the Foxx CLI to run Foxx microservices locally for testing and debugging purposes.
* Foxx CLI provides commands for starting a local development server, loading Foxx applications into ArangoDB's built-in web server, and simulating API requests to test endpoint functionality.

Packaging and Deployment :
* Foxx CLI facilitates packaging Foxx microservices into deployable bundles for production deployment.
* Developers can use the CLI to package Foxx applications into zip files, tarballs, or other archive formats suitable for deployment to ArangoDB servers or cloud environments.

Version Control and Collaboration :
* Foxx CLI integrates with version control systems (e.g., Git) and collaboration platforms, allowing developers to manage Foxx projects, track changes, and collaborate with team members using familiar workflows and tools.

Configuration and Management :
* Foxx CLI provides commands for configuring Foxx applications, managing dependencies, installing third-party modules, and performing other administrative tasks related to Foxx development and deployment.

Documentation and Resources :
* Foxx CLI offers built-in documentation and resources for learning about Foxx development, best practices, and advanced features.
* Developers can access help documentation, tutorials, examples, and community forums directly from the CLI to enhance their Foxx development skills and troubleshoot issues.