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What is the purpose of the "mapcar" function in Lisp?
The "mapcar" function in Lisp is used to apply a given function to each element of one or more lists, and it returns a new list containing the results. The purpose of the "mapcar" function is to perform element-wise transformation or computation on lists in a concise and convenient manner.

Here are some key points about the "mapcar" function :

1. Syntax :
   * The syntax of "mapcar" is `(mapcar function list &rest more-lists)`.
   * The "function" argument is the function to be applied to each element.
   * The "list" argument is the initial list to iterate over.
   * The "&rest more-lists" is optional and allows for mapping over multiple lists in parallel.

2. Element-wise Operation :
   * "mapcar" applies the given function to the corresponding elements from the input lists.
   * It iterates over the lists in parallel, taking the first element from each list, then the second element, and so on.
   * The function is applied to these elements, producing a new list of results.

3. Length of Result :
   * The length of the resulting list is determined by the shortest input list.
   * If one list is longer than the others, the excess elements are ignored.
   * If a list is shorter than the others, the corresponding elements in the result list will be NIL.

4. Function Arguments :
   * The function provided to "mapcar" should accept as many arguments as there are lists being processed.
   * For example, if "mapcar" is called with two lists, the function should accept two arguments.
   * The function is applied to each corresponding pair of elements from the lists.
5. Return Value :
   * "mapcar" returns a new list containing the results of applying the function to each element.
   * Each element of the result list is the result of applying the function to the corresponding elements of the input lists.

Here's an example usage of "mapcar" to illustrate its purpose :
(defun square (x)
  (* x x))

(setq numbers (list 1 2 3 4))
(setq squares (mapcar #'square numbers))​

In this example, the "mapcar" function is used to apply the "square" function to each element in the "numbers" list. The resulting "squares" list will contain the squared values of the elements in the "numbers" list: `(1 4 9 16)`.

The "mapcar" function is particularly useful when you need to apply a function to multiple lists simultaneously and collect the results. It simplifies the process of performing element-wise transformations or computations, promoting concise and expressive Lisp code.