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Rust - Interview Questions
What is the purpose of the 'match' keyword in Rust?
The `match` keyword in Rust is used for pattern matching. It allows you to compare the value of an expression against a series of patterns and execute code based on the matching pattern. The `match` expression is a powerful construct that enables you to handle different cases or scenarios in a concise and readable way.

Here's the basic syntax of a `match` expression in Rust :
match value {
    pattern1 => {
        // Code to execute when value matches pattern1
    pattern2 => {
        // Code to execute when value matches pattern2
    // Additional patterns and corresponding code blocks
    _ => {
        // Code to execute when none of the patterns match

Here's how the `match` expression works :

1. Evaluation : The expression (`value`) is evaluated, and its value is compared against the patterns listed in the `match` arms.

2. Pattern Matching : Each pattern is checked in the order they appear. Rust checks if the value matches the pattern. Patterns can be literals, variable names, wildcards (`_`), or more complex patterns.

3. Code Execution : When a pattern matches the value, the corresponding code block is executed. The code block can contain any valid Rust code, including multiple statements.

4. Exhaustiveness : Rust requires that all possible cases or patterns are covered. If there is a possibility that none of the patterns match, you can include a wildcard pattern (`_`) as the last arm to handle that case. It acts as a catch-all pattern.
Pattern matching with `match` provides several benefits :

* Readability : `match` expressions make the code more readable and expressive, as they clearly define the possible cases and their corresponding actions.

* Exhaustiveness : The compiler ensures that all possible cases are handled, preventing missed cases and potential bugs.

* Compiler Optimization : The compiler can optimize `match` expressions more effectively than if-else chains, resulting in efficient and optimized code.

* Pattern Destructuring : Patterns can destructure complex data structures, such as enums or tuples, allowing you to access their individual components easily.

* Control Flow : `match` expressions can control the flow of execution by branching into different code paths based on the matched patterns.

The `match` keyword is a fundamental construct in Rust and is widely used for handling branching logic, error handling, and various other scenarios where multiple cases need to be handled based on the value of an expression.