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What is the purpose of the 'where' clause in Rust?
In Rust, the `where` clause is used in generic function and trait definitions to specify additional constraints or requirements on the type parameters. It allows you to express complex conditions and constraints that cannot be easily expressed within the generic parameter list itself. The `where` clause provides a way to add clarity and improve readability when working with generic code.

Here are a few use cases for the `where` clause :

1. Specifying Trait Bounds :
   * The `where` clause is commonly used to specify trait bounds on generic type parameters.
   * It allows you to express additional requirements on the generic types beyond the basic constraints specified in the generic parameter list.
   * Here's an example:
     fn process<T>(value: T)
         T: Clone + Debug,
         // Function body

     In this example, the `where` clause specifies that the generic type `T` must implement both the `Clone` and `Debug` traits. Without the `where` clause, these trait bounds would have to be specified directly in the generic parameter list, which could make it less readable.

2. Complex Type Constraints :
   * The `where` clause can be used to express more complex type constraints that are not easily expressed within the generic parameter list.
   * It allows you to use pattern matching, associated types, or other operations to define the constraints.
   * Here's an example:
     fn process<T, U>(value: T)
         T: Into<U>,
         U: PartialEq + Display,
         // Function body

     In this example, the `where` clause specifies that `T` must implement the `Into<U>` trait, and `U` must implement both the `PartialEq` and `Display` traits. This allows for more flexibility and expressiveness in defining the constraints.
3. Associated Types :
   * The `where` clause can also be used to specify associated types and their relationships in trait definitions.
   * It allows you to express constraints on associated types or require specific relationships between associated types.
   * Here's an example:
     trait MyTrait {
         type Item;
         fn process(&self, item: Self::Item)
             Self::Item: Clone,
             // Method body

     In this example, the `where` clause in the `process` method of the `MyTrait` trait specifies that the associated type `Item` must implement the `Clone` trait. This enforces a constraint on the associated type when implementing the trait.

The `where` clause provides a way to express additional constraints and requirements on generic types in a more readable and concise manner. It improves the clarity of code and allows for the definition of more complex constraints that are not easily expressed in the generic parameter list alone.