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Large Language Model - Interview Questions
What is the role of hyperparameters in training large language models?
In training large language models, hyperparameters play a crucial role in determining the performance of the model. Hyperparameters are important because they control the behavior of the training algorithm, and selecting appropriate hyperparameters can greatly affect the accuracy and efficiency of the model.

Some examples of hyperparameters in large language models include :

Learning rate : This controls the step size of the optimization algorithm during training, and can affect how quickly the model converges to a good solution.

Batch size : This determines the number of training examples used in each iteration of the optimization algorithm, and can affect both the training time and the accuracy of the model.

Number of layers : This determines the depth of the neural network used in the language model, and can affect the model's ability to learn complex patterns in the data.

Hidden units : This determines the number of neurons in each layer of the neural network, and can affect the model's ability to capture the necessary features of the data.

Regularization strength : This controls the degree of regularization used in the model, and can help prevent overfitting and improve generalization performance.