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TinyDB - Interview Questions
What is the role of the JSON library in TinyDB?
The JSON library plays a critical role in TinyDB as it is used for serialization and deserialization of data when storing and retrieving documents in JSON format. Here's how the JSON library is utilized in TinyDB:

Serialization : When storing data in a JSON file or using in-memory storage with JSON serialization, TinyDB uses the JSON library to convert Python objects (such as dictionaries representing documents) into JSON strings. This process, known as serialization, allows the data to be written to a file or stored in memory in a format that can be easily persisted or transmitted.

Deserialization : Conversely, when reading data from a JSON file or retrieving data from in-memory storage, TinyDB uses the JSON library to parse JSON strings back into Python objects. This process, known as deserialization, allows TinyDB to reconstruct the original Python objects (i.e., documents) from the JSON data stored in the file or memory.

Storage Backend : The JSON library is utilized by TinyDB's storage backends, including the default JSON file storage and in-memory storage with JSON serialization. These storage backends rely on the JSON library to handle the conversion between Python objects and JSON strings when reading from or writing to storage.

Data Persistence : The JSON library enables TinyDB to persist data to disk in a human-readable and easily-editable format using JSON files. This makes it simple to store and retrieve data even when the application is restarted or run on different machines.