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Gulp - Interview Questions
What is the structure of a typical Gulpfile? Can you describe each section and its purpose?
A typical Gulpfile, written in JavaScript, is structured into four main sections: Required Modules, Task Definitions, Watch Tasks, and Default Tasks.

Required Modules section imports necessary modules. For instance, ‘gulp’ module for basic functionality, ‘uglify’ to minify JS files, or ‘sass’ to compile SASS files.

Task Definitions section defines tasks that automate repetitive work. Each task has a name, an optional array of dependencies, and a function defining the task’s operation. The function uses Gulp’s API methods like src(), dest(), watch(), and series() or parallel().

Watch Tasks section sets up watchers that trigger tasks when specified files change. It utilizes method which takes two arguments – file path pattern and tasks to run.

Default Tasks section specifies tasks to be run when Gulp is called without any tasks. It employs gulp.default() method with an array of tasks as argument.