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PouchDB - Interview Questions
What is the syntax for creating a new PouchDB database?
The syntax for creating a new PouchDB database in JavaScript is quite straightforward. Here's a basic example:
// Import or include PouchDB library
const PouchDB = require('pouchdb');

// Create a new instance of PouchDB with the desired database name
const myDatabase = new PouchDB('my_database_name');

// Optionally, you can provide additional options when creating the database
// For example, to specify a different storage backend:
// const myDatabase = new PouchDB('my_database_name', {adapter: 'leveldb'});?
In the above example :

First, you need to import or include the PouchDB library. Depending on your environment, you may use different methods to import PouchDB, such as CommonJS require() or ES6 import.

Then, you create a new instance of PouchDB by invoking the PouchDB constructor and passing the desired name for the database as a parameter. This will create a new database with the specified name.

Optionally, you can provide additional options as the second parameter to the constructor. These options allow you to configure aspects of the database, such as the storage backend (e.g., 'leveldb', 'indexeddb', 'websql', etc.) or other settings.

Once you've created a PouchDB database instance, you can start using it to perform various operations such as storing documents, querying data, replicating with remote databases, and more.