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Flutter - Interview Questions
What is the widget tree in Flutter?
In Flutter, everything is a widget. A widget can be anything from a button to a layout to an entire screen. The widget tree is a hierarchical representation of all the widgets that make up a Flutter application.

Each widget in the tree has a parent-child relationship with other widgets, forming a tree-like structure. The root widget is typically a MaterialApp or a CupertinoApp, depending on the platform.

As you build a Flutter application, you add widgets to the widget tree to create the UI. Each widget has its own properties and children, which can be other widgets. When a widget's properties or children change, the framework rebuilds that widget and its descendants in the tree.

The widget tree is important because it helps you understand how the UI is constructed and how changes to a widget can affect its children and the overall UI. It's also useful for debugging purposes, as it allows you to see the structure of the UI and track down issues with specific widgets.