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Kubernetes - Interview Questions
What runs inside the kubernetes worker nodes?
Container Runtime 
* Kubelet
* kube-proxy

Kubernetes Worker node is a machine where workloads get deployed. The workloads are in the form of containerised applications and because of that, every node in the cluster must run the container run time such as docker in order to run those workloads. You can have multiple masters mapped to multiple worker nodes or a single master having a single worker node. Also, the worker nodes are not gossiping or doing leader election or anything that would lead to odd-quantities. The role of the container run time is to start and managed containers. The kubelet is responsible for running the state of each node and it receives commands and works to do from the master. It also does the health check of the nodes and make sure they are healthy. Kubelet is also responsible for metric collectins of pods as well. The kube-proxy is a component that manages host subnetting and makes services available to other components.