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TinyDB - Interview Questions
What storage backends does TinyDB support?
As of my last update in January 2022, TinyDB supports several storage backends for persisting data. These storage backends allow developers to store data in different formats and locations, depending on the requirements of their applications.

Here are the main storage backends supported by TinyDB :

JSON File Storage : This is the default storage backend for TinyDB. It stores data in a JSON file on disk. The JSON file can be specified when creating a new TinyDB instance. Example:
from tinydb import TinyDB

# Create a TinyDB instance with JSON file storage
db = TinyDB('db.json')?

Memory Storage :
This is another built-in storage backend that keeps the data in memory. Data stored using this backend is not persistent and will be lost when the program terminates. Example:
from tinydb import TinyDB

# Create a TinyDB instance with memory storage
db = TinyDB(storage=TinyDB.DEFAULT_STORAGE)?

Custom Storage Backends :
TinyDB allows developers to implement custom storage backends to suit specific requirements. This provides flexibility to store data in alternative formats or locations. Developers can subclass BaseStorage and implement methods for reading from and writing to their chosen storage mechanism.

These are the main storage backends supported by TinyDB. Developers can choose the most appropriate backend based on factors such as data persistence requirements, performance considerations, and compatibility with existing infrastructure. Additionally, as TinyDB is open-source, new storage backends may be added by the community in the future to further extend its capabilities.