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Erlang - Interview Questions
What techniques do you use to debug Erlang code?
When debugging Erlang code, several techniques and tools can be employed to identify and resolve issues. Here are some commonly used techniques for debugging Erlang code :

1. Trace Statements : You can insert trace statements in your code using functions like `io:format/2` or `dbg:tracer/0`. These statements print out values or messages at specific points in your code, allowing you to track the flow and values of variables during execution.

2. Erlang Debugger (dbg) : Erlang provides a built-in debugger module called `dbg`. It allows you to set breakpoints, trace function calls, and inspect the state of processes during runtime. You can start the debugger using `dbg:tracer/0` and use functions like `dbg:tp/2` to set trace patterns.

3. Error Logging : Utilize the Erlang logging framework to log errors and relevant information during execution. The `error_logger` module provides functions such as `error_logger:error_msg/2` to generate error logs. These logs can be examined to pinpoint the source of errors and understand the program flow.

4. Unit Testing : Write comprehensive unit tests for your code to verify its behavior and catch any defects. The `eunit` framework is commonly used in Erlang for unit testing. Running tests and examining the test results can help identify issues and validate the correctness of the code.
5. Code Inspection : Perform a thorough review of your code to check for any logical errors, typos, or incorrect assumptions. Take a step back and examine the code from a high-level perspective to identify potential issues or areas where bugs may be present.

6. Erlang Tracer (et) : The `et` module in Erlang provides a low-level tracing facility that allows you to trace the execution of specific processes or functions. It provides fine-grained control over tracing and can be useful for analyzing complex or performance-critical code.

7. Crash Dump Analysis : Erlang generates crash dump files (.dump) when a process crashes. These dump files contain valuable information about the state of the system at the time of the crash, including process stacks, registered processes, and heap information. Analyzing these crash dumps can provide insights into the cause of the crash.

8. Code Review and Pair Programming : Engage in code reviews and collaborative debugging sessions with peers or team members. Fresh perspectives and multiple sets of eyes can help identify issues that may have been overlooked.

9. Monitoring and Profiling Tools : Utilize monitoring and profiling tools, such as `recon`, `observer`, and `fprof`, to gather information about the runtime behavior, process activities, memory usage, and performance characteristics of your Erlang system. These tools can assist in identifying bottlenecks, resource leaks, and performance issues.