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What we use in replacement to switch statements in kotlin?
In Kotlin, the traditional `switch` statement from languages like Java is replaced with the more powerful and flexible `when` expression. The `when` expression allows you to perform conditional branching based on the value of an expression. It offers a more concise and versatile syntax compared to the `switch` statement.

Here's how you can use `when` as a replacement for `switch`:

1. Simple `when` Expression :
   when (variable) {
       value1 -> {
           // Code block for value1
       value2 -> {
           // Code block for value2
       else -> {
           // Default code block

2. Multiple Values :
   when (variable) {
       value1, value2 -> {
           // Code block for value1 or value2
       else -> {
           // Default code block

3. Range Checks :
   when (variable) {
       in range1 -> {
           // Code block for values within range1
       in range2 -> {
           // Code block for values within range2
       else -> {
           // Default code block
4. Checking Type :
   when (variable) {
       is Type1 -> {
           // Code block for Type1
       is Type2 -> {
           // Code block for Type2
       else -> {
           // Default code block

5. Function Calls and Expressions :
   when {
       condition1() -> {
           // Code block if condition1() is true
       condition2() -> {
           // Code block if condition2() is true
       else -> {
           // Default code block

The `when` expression is more flexible than the traditional `switch` statement as it allows for complex conditions, type checks, range checks, and multiple values. It eliminates the need for `break` statements and supports more expressive and readable code. Additionally, the `when` expression can be used as an expression itself, allowing it to be assigned to a variable or used directly in function return statements.

The `when` expression in Kotlin serves as a powerful replacement for the `switch` statement, providing enhanced functionality and improved readability.