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Django - Interview Questions
Why is Django better than Flask?
Django has its own unique qualities over Flask which is also a Python Framework. The key differences between them are :
* Django is a high-level Python framework while Flask is a low-level Python Framework providing you with the minimum functionality, a server would require.
* Django comes with lots of built-in functionality like Django ORM, Admin Panel, Web-templating System, Inheritance, serialization while Flask comes with a development server, NoSQL support, support for unit testing, which are already there in Django.
* Flask is more customizable than Django as Flask comes with no pre-defined structure or scaffold while Django’s file structure is fixed.
* Flask settings are user made and can be altered completely by the user. Django settings are not customizable to that degree, it has variables where only values are modifiable.
* Flask has more speed than Django when it comes to processing requests but that comes without any APIs or functionality which Django gives you in-built.
* Flask is for the developers who want more flexibility on their website and don’t need lots of built-in extra functions, while Django is for developers who want rapid development of their applications that can sustain dynamic changes to its environment.