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Linux - Interview Questions
Why is Linux regarded as a more secure operating system than other operating systems?
Linux has become more popular in the technology industry in terms of security. There are several reasons why Linux is more secure than other operating systems.

* On Linux, only a few people have access to the system. As a result, the virus cannot infect the entire system but it may affect only a few files.

* Before opening the files, Linux users must first complete the tasks, so that they can protect their systems against flaws.

* The Linux operating system includes a variety of working environments, including Linux Mint, Debian, Arch, and others, all of which include virus protection.

* It keeps a log history so that it may quickly see the specifics of the system files afterward.

* Iptables is a Linux feature that examines the system’s security circle.

* As Linux users are comparatively fewer in number as compared to other operating systems, security will be enhanced.