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Why should arrow functions not be used in ES6?
One of the most popular features of ES6 is the "arrow functions" (also known as "fat arrow functions"). Arrow functions are a new way to write concise functions. Arrow functions offer a compact alternative to traditional function expressions, but they have limitations and cannot be used in every case.
The following is an ES5 function :
function timesTwo(params) {
        return params * 2
timesTwo(5);  // 10
The same function can also be expressed as an arrow function in ES6 as follows :
var timesTwo = params => params * 2
timesTwo(5);  // 10
Differences & Limitations :
* Has no bindings to 'this' or 'super', so it shouldn't be used as a method.
* Has no keyword.
* The call, apply, and bind methods are not suitable since they rely on establishing scope.
* Not suitable for use as constructors.
* Not possible for an arrow function to use the yield keyword within its body, etc.