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ASP.NET - Interview Questions
Write down different Trace Methods provided in ASP.NET?
Assert() – Checks for a condition, and displays a message if the condition is false.

Close() –
Cleanup the output buffer, and then closes the Listeners so that they no longer receive debugging output.

Fail() –
This method emits an error message.

GetType() –
It is used for “Gets the Type of the Object”.

ToString() –
Returns a String that represents the current Object

GetHashCode() –
This method works like a hash function for a particular type. It is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.

Equals() –
Determines whether the specified Object is the same instance as the current Object

Warn() –
Writes trace information, along with optional exception data, to the trace log. All warnings appear as red text. It has two forms. The first form writes trace information to the trace log including any user-defined categories.

Write() –
Writes trace information to the trace log. It has two forms. The first form writes trace information to the trace log, including any user-defined categories and traces messages.