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SEO - Competitor Analysis
SEO competitor analysis improves the SEO of a website by comparing the methods of its competition like Search Engine Results Page(SERP) ranking, keyword and content quality etc,.

SEO competitor is to analyze their domain authority, backlink profile and all the technical parameters. Then, check how their websites are performing. Then move to content - what topics your competitors cover with their website, what’s its form, the average length of the content, what are the keywords they choose to optimize for, and so on.

 Some important steps to analyze competitors' website :

* Identify Competitors : The first step in a competitor analysis is to identify our competitors, which are determined based on the keywords for which we want to rank well in Google and BING.

* How to Determine the Size of a Competitor’s Website : Website size is among the most important factors in a website’s ability to compete and rank well.  

When performing a competitor analysis, we can save some time by avoiding trying to compare ourselves to much larger websites.  Unless more aggressive (grey/blackhat) SEO techniques are performed, it is unlikely that one’s website will be able to out-rank a competitor whose website is much larger.

* How to Determine Quantity of Backlinks to a Competitor’s Website : Equally important, some will say even more important than website size, is the quantity of backlinks pointing toward one’s website.

* How to Determine the “Value” of a Competitor’s Keyword Rankings : One final set of metrics that help determine the “leader” in our analysis include the number of keywords for which a competitor is ranking, the organic traffic generated and the value of traffic.

* Analyzing Your Competitions Social Media : Social media plays a huge role in the influence and the spread of a websites popularity and customer/visitor base. Looking at the ideas your rival takes on social media you have an idea of how he promotes his website. Using those ideas which you have learned you can use them on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter etc.