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What is a Title Tag?
Title tags are also often called Page Titles. You might also hear them referred to as Website Titles or HTML titles.
The title tag is the clickable title of a webpage that appears with the result on the SERP (search engine page results page). To set a page title, use the <title> tag in the HTML around your text.
<Title> tags are an HTML element found in the <head> section of the HTML code of your web page.
<title> This is My Web Site Page Title </title>
Since Google will only be able to display 60-70 characters of a page title in the results, you should aim to make your SEO titles around 60 characters long. Clear title tags will go a long way towards making your website easy to read and understand.

Why are Title Tags Important ?

Title tags are important because they let readers know what information will be present when a user clicks on a page.
They are important for the search engines for the same reason, except they also function to determine the relevancy of the web page as a result in a search query.
If Google doesn’t like your title tag, then they may change it to better suit their / user needs. If this happens, you can bet it most likely won’t be to your liking.
1. Browser tab.

The title tag is the text that appears on the tab of your browser. For this reason, your page title should be able to remind visitors about the content of your page in a simple and memorable manner.

Browser Tab Title Tags
2. On the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

The page title also appears on the results page after being indexed by a search engine. On Google, the title tag is the blue link of text that can be clicked to navigate to the website. For this reason, you want your title tag to act as a headline and entice searchers to click on your result.

Search Engine Results Page
3. SEO Mistakes in Page Titles

Titles that are too long will not be fully displayed in search results, and titles that are too short don’t give search engine bots enough information to properly understand what the page is about.

If you have duplicate titles, it can confuse search engines about which page they should rank, leading to lower rankings for both your pages.

So, to avoid any problems with your page titles, make sure that your title tags are the right length and that they are unique to each page.